With Marissa McGowan

Pittsburgh Public Theater, 2017

Jermyn Street Theatre, director Anthony Biggs

"...magnificent and uniquely gifted Gretchen Egolf..." Barrington Stage directed by Julianne Boyd

"Egolf is nothing short of a revelation." Guthrie Theater directed by John Miller Stephany (pictured with Ricardo Antonio Chavira)

"...the fabulous Gretchen Egolf..." -Anita Gates, NY Times TITUS ANDRONICUS, NYShakespeare Exchange, dir. Ross Williams

CANDIDA Pittsburgh Public, 2014 director Ted Pappas (pictured with David Whalen)

"Gretchen Egolf is...simultaneously commanding and enticing." Pittsburgh Public Theater directed by Ted Pappas (pictured with Christian Conn)

"Egolf is brilliant." Barrington Stage directed by Tyler Marchant

"...played with sexual wit..." American Conservatory Theater directed by Carey Perloff (pictured with Andy Murray)

"Egolf has a graceful, willowy presence" Lincoln Center directed by Gerald Gutierrez (drawing by Al Hirschfeld)

"Two masterly actors at the top of their form" Barrington Stage directed by Tyler Marchant (pictured with Thom Christopher)